Keep the magic alive.

Empowering Your server one donation at a time.

Orb was born with a vision - to provide a delightful Discord experience to all, free of charge. This is why I rely on donations and voluntary support from the community to keep this dream alive. Every contribution, big or small, fuels our journey and allows us to create something truly exceptional. Thank you for being apart of this all!

Become a Patron on Patreon!

By becoming a Patron, you gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content, sneak peeks of upcoming features, and special perks that make you part of our inner circle. Your recurring support ensures that Orb keeps on running.

become a patron

Buy us a coffee on Kofi!

If you'd rather make a one-time contribution, you can buy Orb a byte of data and the developer a coffee. Every byte counts and goes directy towards server cost and development efforts.

Buy Orb a byte

Boost Orb on

Vote for Orb on to boost it's visibility. Your votes not only improve our rating but also introduce Orb to new servers, which makes some features like the profile truly shine. You get some perks for voting if you do it through Discord!

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Join the beta testers!

Take an active role in shaping Orb's future by joining our Beta Tester program. You get exclusive access to upcoming features, direct communication with the dev(s) and you provide valuable feedback to shape Orb's future.

Apply as Beta Tester

Please note that the Beta Tester program is not a free-for-all. We will review your application and pick the candidates and bot user that best fit our criteria. Still - why not try your luck? Maybe you're a fit!