Where do you want to go?


You can either jump to a command group by clicking one of the buttons above, or scroll down if you just want to take a look at what Orb can do.


(This section is still a work in progress, but will soon be expanded upon!

Note that this section is not yet done! As more functions will be added, this will get expanded.

Setup commands

Every command you need to know to set up Orb fitting for your server!

/setup info

(no arguments)

Shows some info about the server this command is run on.

/setup first

(no arguments)

Starts the setup wizard for when you set Orb up for the first time.

/setup import-leveling

[bot], [min. level], [role rewards?]

Allows you to import leveling data from other bots. Currently, only MEE6 is supported. This command requires three arguments: [bot] is the bot to import from, [min. level] is the minimum level users must have to be imported and [role rewards?] is to decide whether or not role rewards should be imported, provided the bot to import from allows this.

Note that this section is not yet done! As more functions will be added, this will get expanded.

Profile commands

Profile commands are used to edit your profile - who would have thought?

/profile show


This command simply shows you your profile or that of a member you pinged.

/profile edit aboutme


Sets the bio in your profile. Enter a text up to 512 characters as [content]. Orb
accepts all default emojis and nitro emojis from servers it is on.

/profile edit pronouns


Sets the pronouns in your profile. [pronouns] accepts a regular string of text, allowing you to present your pronouns how you like. Maximum is 256 characters.

/profile edit birthday

[day], [month], {year}

Sets the birthday in your profile. [day] and [month] are required, {year} is optional if you do not wish to share this detail. Orb will display your birthday in dd/mm/yyyy format.

/profile edit privacy


Edit the privacy options for your profile. You can select one from four [privacy_option]s, either hiding or showing your profile on the server the command is run on or hiding or showing it globally.

Leveling commands

Commands to adjust your leveling system to however you need it!


(no arguments)

Displays the leaderboard with the top ten highest-ranked members.



Shows you the rank either you or the selected {user} have on this server, along with a handy progress bar to see when you will level up. If no {user} is selected, your own rank is shown.

Note that this section is not yet done! As more functions will be added, this will get expanded.

FUN commands

All the commands just there to add to your fun!

/profile show


This command simply shows you your profile or that of a member you pinged.

/profile edit aboutme


Sets the bio in your profile. Enter a text up to 512 characters as [content]. Orb
accepts all default emojis and nitro emojis from servers it is on.

/profile edit pronouns


Sets the pronouns in your profile. [pronouns] accepts a regular string of text, allowing you to present your pronouns how you like. Maximum is 256 characters.

/profile edit birthday

[day], [month], {year}

Sets the birthday in your profile. [day] and [month] are required, {year} is optional if you do not wish to share this detail. Orb will display your birthday in dd/mm/yyyy format.

/profile edit privacy


Edit the privacy options for your profile. You can select one from four [privacy_option]s, either hiding or showing your profile on the server the command is run on or hiding or showing it globally.

Coming soon!

I am constantly working on Orb to add and improve functions, so there is a lot coming soon!
Check this page once in a while to see if anything has changed, or visit the changelog.

If you want development to speed up, consider supporting us by either joining the beta program or donating through our Kofi and Patreon!