Here to improve your discord experience
like no bot did before.
ADD ORB Features


Leveling made simple

As if talking was a game: With Orb's intuitive leveling system, members can compete for the top spot on the leaderboard and earn exclusive roles as rewards. Using MEE6? No worries - Orb can import everyone's data and all members keep their progress.


  • Easy-to-use, automatic leveling system
  • Unlimited role rewards for all servers
  • Hassle-free data import from MEE6

Unite the community

Orb's custom profiles and auto-introductions make connecting with others a breeze. Orb will celebrate your birthday, display your pronouns, and introduce you to other members when you join. If you're a creator, the community calendar is for you - You can easily remind all members of important dates, like your next video release!


  • Customizable user profiles
  • Automatic introductions
  • Server-wide community calendar

Keep everything secure

Our dynamic infraction system allows precise handling of rule breaks with far more features than Discord timeouts (and more automation as well). You can protect your server with our captcha features and protect it in the event of a raid.


  • Intuitive infraction system to track rule breaks
  • Context-aware automod
  • Server protection through captchas

Collect and conquer

Orb's soon-to-come economy system makes your server a thriving marketplace. Custom user shops as well as games to earn Glorbs is just the tip of the iceberg. Collectibles like badges can be found in loot boxes and you can display them on your profile with pride.


  • Customizeable server shops and items
  • Easy server-wide economy system
  • Badges and collectibles to display on profile

...and more?

There's more to Orb than we can show in this feature section. You can take a more detailed look at Orb's features in our Commands list or in the docs. We also constantly develop new features, so be excited for what the future holds!


Keep up with the newest additions, changes or fixes for Orb right here in the changelog. For real-time updates, join our support server or follow @orbondiscord on Twitter.
SEE the changelog


We do not quite have that... yet. But if you want to get early access to newest features, please consider joining our Beta Tester's program! Beta Testers get cool perks, such as a cool profile badge, and early access to features not in the release version of Orb.
Apply as beta tester


We want to keep Orb free and fun. Supporting us voluntarily helps us more than any premium memberships could ever do.
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Your support is what keeps us running. Any donation pays for server costs, database costs, the Red Bull the developers need and our internet connection. Every bit helps!